Clubs and Social Contribution
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École des Roches offers a range of enjoyable school extra-curricular and social activities across Normandy and France.
We have thriving school clubs and teams for all ages, interests and talents.
Popular activities and clubs include theatre and drama, choir, orchestra, athletics, football, rugby, swimming, chess, debating and language clubs.
Enrichment 365 activities help students develop talents and to make friends across the school.
Activities and clubs are run by our dedicated teaching staff and local community experts.
École des Roches children make positive contributions to local and global communities.
Students work on community projects in sustainable development and environmental care.
They learn teamwork, tolerance and social responsibility. They develop excellent relationships locally and across the globe.
Children learn to coexist and how to interact with others.
These skills arm them for life.
Pupils are supported in community projects by teachers and the École des Roches sustainable development steering committee.
- International solidarity
Each École des Roches School house has an international solidarity project.
Examples include sponsoring a school in Madagascar, fundraising for the Avisa Association to distribute eyeglasses in Africa and supporting an NSCW orphanage in Nepal.
- Local solidarity
École des Roches has been an integral part of the local community for over a century. Student volunteers visit elderly residents at the La Vannerie retirement home in Verneuil-sur-Avre, organise computer courses and host an annual celebration at the school.
Students give clothes to the Red Cross and school equipment to Lutille (Association against illiteracy of Mortagne).
Houses coordinate collection of cans and caps for the Anthony de Verneuil Association.
- Food
At École des Roches, we know that excellent nutrition is key to development. Children learn to balance meals, to understand sustainable agriculture and to not waste food.
- Biodiversity
École des Roches eco delegates to the Unesco Nature club created a protected site LPO (Bird Protection League) behind the Mother House of the school La Guichardière.
Students led a reforestation project with the agricultural school of Chambray. Space is reserved for vegetable gardens. Club members manufacture nesting boxes and hedgehog shelters.
- Waste management
École des Roches house parents and eco-delegates are working on selective sorting to comply with Community of Verneuil Municipality standards.
Children visit the sorting centre of Evreux. They learn the value of natural resources.
- Energy/Water
École des Roches students are aware of water and electricity consumption. Every child is taught that "we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children" St. Exupéry.
- Social and cultural diversity
Students take trips each year to different countries to learn about different cultures and languages.
Every April, École des Roches celebrates the many nationalities, languages and cultures of students.
In 2009, École des Roches was awarded Level I for sustainable development by the Institutes of Haute Normandie. A Level II award followed in 2014.
“Once here, I was able to discover new activities like arts. I love this discipline because I am a very creative person.”